Terms and Conditions

Platform terms and use of the service

These platform terms (“Terms”) apply to all services (“Services”) provided by us, Wisory International AB (“Wisory”), via the website https://playground.wisorylab.com and all associated mobile and browser applications (all together “Platform”).

1. Applicability

a. By registering to use our platform by selecting the appropriate box on the website or application or by any other use of the platform, you agree that you are legally bound by these terms.

b. These terms apply to all user groups, in particular but not limited to verified business advisors (“advisors”), (“customers”), all collectively or individually referred to as “users”.

c. Wisory reserves the right to change the rules in these platform terms. If we make updates to these terms, we will notify all users of such updates within 5 business days. Users can object to the application of the new terms within 10 working days after receiving the information. If there are no objections, this constitutes consent to the updated version.

d. We only accept conflicting or deviating terms for our users if we expressly approve their validity in advance.

2. User account, data protection and services

a. To be able to use our services, you / your company must create a user account. You agree to provide all information completely and truthfully and to keep your account up to date at all times. In addition, you agree to keep your password and account access protected and not available to third parties and to accept all associated security risks due to unauthorized access by third parties.

b. Our data protection declaration, available at https://playground.wisorylab.com/data-privacy, which ensures confidential use and protection of your data and whose validity all users accept when they use the platform, applies.

c. By opening your user account, you gain access to our services and can use our platform, including the content provided there. This right of access and use is subject to full compliance with these terms. We reserve the right to update and supplement the platform and content at our sole discretion.

d. We and our counselors do not provide medical or psychotherapeutic counseling. For a specific indication, counselors are instructed to refer to appropriate experts.

e. Wisory is not responsible for any particular success, but only provides the contact to counselors and you determine the content of your counseling sessions individually, taking into account current counseling guidelines. Wisory or the advisor acting under Wisory’s platform can not be held responsible for the outcome of the council or how the council is applied.

f. Wisory is not obligated to provide uninterrupted access to the Platform. Temporary interruptions in operation due to the usual maintenance work, the system’s immediate disruptions on the Internet with external suppliers or with external network operators and in case of force majeure are possible. Users therefore have no requirement for uninterrupted access to the service at any time.

g. Limited availability for system maintenance shall be during necessary maintenance periods and interruptions for offline backups shall be within reasonable limits.

h. Wisory reminds users that limitations or degradation of the services provided may occur, which are beyond Wisory’s influence. This includes in particular third party actions that do not act on Wisory’s behalf, technical conditions on the Internet that cannot be affected by Wisory and force majeure. The hardware, software and technical infrastructure used by users may also affect Wisory’s services. To the extent that such circumstances affect the availability or functionality of the platform, this has no effect on contractual compliance with the services provided and shall be assigned to the user’s sole risk area. The user is not released from his payment obligation in such circumstances.

3. Advice sessions, dates and access

a. The client / users have the right to the specified / order the number of consultations (“sessions”) each month, unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing. The dates must be mutually agreed between the user and the advisor using the calendar booking on www.wisory.io or the chat function. Sessions that have not been completed during the term of the agreement can be done up to one month after the termination of the agreement. Meetings can be canceled or rebooked free of charge up to 24 hours before the start of the session, however, rebooked times must be made within 14 days from the date of the original booking in order for us to guarantee availability. Short-term cancellations of users or sessions for which the user does not log in during the first ten minutes are considered a “User No-Show” and will be deducted completely from pre-purchased sessions. Short-term cancellations of advisors or sessions that the advisor does not log in to within the first ten minutes are considered “Advisor No Shows” and are credited to the pot.

b. Meetings can also be interrupted or postponed free of charge if it is not possible to hold a meeting due to division or limited availability of the platform.

c. The platform is available to the advisor for the duration of the agreed agreement.

d. For the user, there is a subsequent tolerance period (after the agreement has expired) of 3 months during which the access is valid. By this time, all counseling hours from a user’s pre-purchased sessions must be completed.

e. Customers must name their employees who have the right to participate in the advisory platform in a timely manner, no later than within 3 months of signing the agreement, unless otherwise agreed in writing in advance.

f. In the event of late compensation, we reserve the right to pause the result in full until the outstanding debts have been settled. This does not release the customer from his payment obligation.

g. If a session is being booked by receiving a code, that code will be valid for 1 hour and then the user must redo the booking process by asking for a new code to then be able to log in and book the selected advisor.

4. Platform usage and restrictions

a. As a user, you take full responsibility for the use of our services, the following functions must be given special consideration:

  • Video and chat function and in some cases email
  • Computer, webcam and other tools needed to perform the counseling
  • Appointment and calendar function
  • Content from the counseling session
  • Ratings and feedback
  • Accounting function
  • Interaction with other users and transfer of own content

b. The following restrictions apply to the use of our services:
Advisors are available to your users during on- and offboarding. Its use is reduced to a normal level and can not be guaranteed. The usual time is 20 minutes per advisor per session, excluding transferability.

c. The following uses are expressly prohibited:

  • Forward your access or content to third parties. No matter the reason
  • Any publication (including social media) of content without the prior written permission of Wisory, however, material published in Wisory’s channels may be redistributed.
  • All use for purposes other than those specified in the contract
  • Any infringement of Wisory or any third party ownership or copyright
  • All use by users who are not legal
  • Illegal, defamatory, fraudulent or unethical behaviour or statements are not tolerated as Wisory is a platform that does not discriminate between people.
  • Wisory is not a forum for political and religious opinions but should only be used to give and receive wise advice in the areas that are bookable.

d. Wisory reserves the right to pause or revoke access to the Platform at any time and to take appropriate legal action in the event of a breach of the Terms of Use by reimbursing fees already paid.

5. Reservation of rights

Wisory reserves all intellectual property and other rights in the Platform, the Software, all content, the Wisory Website, trademarks and the Wisory logo, including any adjustments and modifications. Any use outside of these terms requires the express prior approval of Wisory. Our advisors do not need additional permission if they present themselves on social networks, professional networks and in the presence of the Internet as Wisory advisors.

6. User feedback and references

a. Wisory regularly asks its users for feedback. This feedback is always voluntary and usually confidential. Wisory reserves the right to use completely anonymous feedback to improve our services and for reporting purposes and to make it available to users with a legitimate interest while maintaining data protection.

b. Our customers agree to be quoted by Wisory as a reference and agree to the use of the corresponding logo. The right of use can be revoked at any time by sending a simple declaration to happy@wisory.io

7. Guarantees

a. In principle, the statutory guarantee schemes shall apply, unless these terms and conditions contain deviating agreements.

b. The use of our services and the platform is at your own risk and we do not provide a guarantee for quality, or guarantee a certain outcome as a result of the wise advice the user receives. In particular, we take no responsibility for the completeness, accuracy, availability, security or reliability of the services provided. Our responsibility is to ensure the quality of both users and advisors based on contracting and our onboarding process.

8. Disclaimer

a. Wisory is liable without limitation of contract only for damages:

  • which is based on an intentional or grossly negligent obligation on the part of Wisory
  • within the framework of liability in accordance with the rules in the Product Liability Act, guarantees granted to the user or due to fraud on the part of Wisory.

b. For damages, which are based on a slightly negligible breach of a material obligation, Wisory’s liability is limited to the amount of the damage, which is predictable and typically depends on the nature of the business. Significant are obligations whose breach jeopardizes the achievement of the purpose of the agreement or whose fulfillment enables the correct implementation of the agreement in the first place and on whose compliance you regularly rely on as well as advice, protection intended for the customer to use the services in accordance with the agreement or to protect the user’s life or limb or to protect the user’s property from significant damage.

c. Additional liability from Wisory is excluded.

d. The liability rules in this disclaimer including exceptions and limitations also apply to personal liability of bodies, employees, representatives and deputies of Wisory including advisers.

9. Exemption from liability

Customers and / or Users reimburse Wisory from all claims from third parties, which is due to the fact that the respective users have not complied with these terms. This also includes costs for legal defense against claims.

10. Miscellaneous

a. These terms and the entire legal relationship between users and Wisory are subject to legislation in Sweden excluding the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CISG). Place of execution and exclusive jurisdiction and for all disputes arising from this agreement is our place of business.

b. If individual provisions of this agreement are invalid or unenforceable or become invalid or unenforceable after the conclusion of the agreement, this does not affect the validity of the rest of the contract. The invalid or unenforceable provision shall be replaced by a valid and enforceable provision whose effects come as close to the economic objective as the parties to the agreement pursue with the invalid or unenforceable provision. The above provisions shall apply mutatis mutandis in the event that the agreement proves to be incomplete.

11. Dispute & Arbitration

Disputes in connection with this agreement shall be finally settled by arbitration in accordance with the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce’s Arbitration Institute’s Rules for simplified arbitration. The arbitration shall take place in Stockholm. Swedish law shall apply to the agreement.